News and Announcements

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Notice to all members of the Vancouver Island Ladies Field Hockey Association:

The Annual General Meeting will be held April 14, 2014 at 7:00 pm at the Victoria Canoe and Kayak Club, 355 Gorge Road East, Victoria V9A 1M9. At the corner of Gorge East and Tilicum. Extra parking is available by the Imperial Dry Cleaners on Tilicum Road (note: do not park in the restaurant parking please)

This year, we are going to run things a little differently. In addition to the AGM, the event will also be a dinner. VILFHA and the Executive will provide salads and entrees and we’d like the teams to bring appetizers, desserts and drinks. An email to the teams will follow separately about which item we’d like you to bring.

The evening will go as follows:

1. Sign in and deliver your food item to the tables
2. Collect some appetizers to nibble
3. Meeting – order of business below
4. Desserts and Award
5. Adjournment

Order of Business

a. the minutes of the most recent General Meeting of the Association
b. the reports of the Executive
c. the financial statements
d. announcement of Honourary Members
e. announcement of awards *
f. discussion of membership fees for the ensuing year (whenever possible)
g. discussion of the format of the following season’s schedule
h. proposed amendments, if any, to the Constitution, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations
i. election of the Executive **
j. any other business

  • Will be moved to the end of the evening
    • A slate of officers has been circulated to captains with the names of those members willing to stay on and known vacancies for the year. This list will be posted to the website shortly.

Any member wishing to amend the Bylaws or Rules and Regulations must submit notice to the Secretary Theresa Kennedy <> 14 days prior to the Meeting (March 31st). The Constitution/Bylaws and Rules and Regulations can be found on the bottom right hand corner of our website:

Please find the below link for the 2013-14 VILFHA Awards Online Nomination form.We would like at least one representative from each team to please fill out the form. Note that this is not a voting process but a nomination process and Cheryl McCreary will facilitate a selection committee for the final decisions.

Click Below for:



DEADLINE: March 14, 2014

Please share this with your team mates, clubs, officials, etc. so we can get an accurate depiction of the season’s stand out players and contributors.



The Victoria Junior Field Hockey Association is building up to their annual Spring League season that runs from April to June and every year they kick off the season with “Come Try the Game Free” sessions to encourage the Victoria youth to try the game at no cost! Sticks, balls and coaching will be on hand as well as vendors selling equipment for those interested in registering for the season!

It is vital for all members of the sport to continue the growth of hockey and that starts at the grass roots level! If you know anyone with kids that might be interested in sending their son or daughter please pass this information on! We are a field hockey community and need to continue to work together to grow this game.

Participants can register online in advance and participate in either (or both) sessions. Details are below:


SESSION 1: Sunday, March 2nd (10-11 am)
SESSION 2: Sunday, March 9th (10-11 am)
WHO: New players, boys and girls aged 5-15
LOCATION: UVic Rubber-based Turfs (Field 2/3)

If you are interested in volunteering to coach or help out at either of the two sessions please contact Mark Baggott, President, Victoria Junior Field Hockey Association at



The second Coach Education Seminar of 2014 will take place over the weekend of February 21st to 23rd at the University of Victoria, in Victoria, BC. This seminar is designed for new coaches, coaches with previous NCCP Community Coach Certification, and those coaching athletes between the ages of 6-15.

In January 2014 Field Hockey BC formally launched the new Field Hockey Canada (FHC)/National Coach Certification Program (NCCP) coach educational pathway. All courses have been moved into a fully integrated (field hockey and theory delivered together) model which is aligned with our Long Term Field Hockey Development framework. For more information on the new FHC/NCCP Coach Education Pathway click here:



The 2013-2014 Field Hockey BC AGM will be held at the University of Victoria on Saturday, February 22, 2014, Room 150 McKinnon Gymnasium, at 12 noon.

Notices as to the AGM agenda and motions will be circulated to the membership in February. Nominations are now being accepted for the Field Hockey BC Board of Directors with the following Board positions up for election: President; Finance Director; Business Development Director; Coaching Director; Umpiring Director.

Should members wish to put forward a nominee, please click on the following link to download a nominations form: